Thursday, December 18

The Sanata Claus Parade

What is the only thing that can outshine Santa during a Santa Claus Parade? My girls of course! They got lots of special attention. Their pockets were filled with candy canes by inamoured elves, the trombonist danced and played in front of them, and people on the floats shouted out "Look! Twins!".

Tuesday, July 29

Our Sarah - born May 1, 2008

Sunday, January 13

Fun For Everyone

The girls and Dan first tried finger painting on Boxing Day. It was a success! However, more paint ended up on their sleeves than on their painting smocks. Good thing we got "Washable Lavables!"

Making the new "Big Girl Beds"

Santa Came At 1am!

It's A Girl!

We are having another girl! Her due date is between May 5th and May 12th (it's still under negotiation). We will name her Sarah Ashleigh Victoria (the spelling of Ashleigh may change).