Monday, August 31

Cheer Up!

For a week, Dan and I had prepared the children for the fact that we were going out for dinner...sans enfants. As one could imagine, this did not play well with the four year old crowd. I told the twins that Big Sarah and Kevin would be babysitting, that they could skip a bath, and that they would have all sorts of fun. My girls insisted that this wouldn't do and that they would miss us too much (assuming that they would survive the damage done to their tiny, wee broken hearts). I told them I would bake them a "Cheer Up Cake". They were happy.

I was super pleased with the results and I had to take a picture. Ta da:

The most exciting bit was that I dyed the cake batter too. Lime green! I am always thrilled with a shot of colour where one least expects it!

The cake was a hit. The girls informed us that we were not missed at all!

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