Wednesday, September 22

When The Children Are Away

Last Saturday afternoon, Sarah had gone down for a nap and the twins were playing in their bedroom with Roxanne. I wondered where Dan had disappeared to. I found him in the living room...

...doing a Dora puzzle. I laughed and grabbed the camera. As I snapped this photo, he said "Do you want me to start taking pictures of you?". Sure. If Dan ever sees me sitting by myself on a Saturday afternoon doing a Dora puzzle, he has my full permission to take a couple of snaps! Until then, it's my turn to laugh!


Lisa said...

Did you or did you not tell me the two of you used to wait till the children were asleep and then watch backyardigans alone...sans friend it has been MY TURN to laugh for quite some time

Gwen said...

Yup, but we didn't do it on a REGULAR basis! Only when the new episodes were released. Remember that guy...the one whose parents won the lotto? He used to keep an eye out to let me know when the new Backyardigans were coming out! I can't think of his name though...